Sweet Eve

Sweet Eve

“Oh, these are so good. Such juicy flesh. Mmmmm…”she crooned as a cold, ripe, sweet and tangy juice coated the desert in her mouth.  It felt like birds were chirping under the sun all around her momentously  and her heart fluttered in delight as her teeth sunk into another large fruit.

The meat of the fruit was supple and flexible; the fruit was willing to reduce itself to liquid and feed the overbearing demands of her craving.

Lady Eve. You’re all I ever need. Why would I need meat when I have you?

Holding onto the leaves of the fruit that were sprouting upwards, she lowered the last strawberry in the punnet down into her mouth and wondered how something so innately delicious, sweet and innocent could be borne into being by Nature. If Nature was God, she wouldn’t hesitate worshipping it.

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